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Passion or Profession? Degree or Desire?

Passion or Profession? Degree or Desire?

It has been a common dilemma to whether choose the path that brings you closer towards the career that you’ve always dreamed of, or to choose the accessible, readily available job that is related to your chosen degree & profession and would most likely be your main source of income to provide yourself with the basic, fundamental needs in life.


When we were still young, all of us has been answering the same and common replies when asked about dreams and future occupations. “I want to be a doctor / lawyer / teacher / engineer when I grow up”. Fast forward after 15 to 20 years, are we living our dream jobs that we’ve hoped for? More importantly, are we happy with what we have become?

I had a lot of dreams back then like every other kid. I was innocent, easy-going and optimistic about life. Difficulties such as costs, stress, life transitions and the like were non-existent or at least, not a major issue when you are a child. As we mature, our perception about life also develops, it’s either we see the bad in good things or we see the good in bad things or all of the above. Either way, our comprehension widens.

After graduating in high school, we will choose a life-changing decision: “What course should I get and where should I get it?” When your future is at stake, a lot of issues should be considered such as cost, availability, difficulty and opportunities of that degree. Others would also consider the societal status of that degree as a main factor.

Not everyone enjoys the luxury of getting into college, furthermore, not everyone enjoys the bonus of choosing the degree. Some were influenced by several factors, others where required by their parents and relatives while others doesn’t have an idea on what they want.

... but poetry, beauty, romance. love, these are what we stay alive for. - Robin Williams in dead poet society


When you are in the midst of completing your degree or you’ve already finished college or passed your board/ bar exams and even earning your master’s degree but somehow, you still feel empty inside and not pleased, then take a rest. Take the time to know oneself, relive what your hobbies are, your insights, your aspirations and your dreams. Go back to the basics and write down your priorities in life. You are the only person who truly knows yourself.

“When you try your best but you don’t succeed, when you get what you want but not what you need”. Can you relate every time that Coldplay song plays and ask yourself why do you commit such shortcomings? Don’t feel bad for yourself. Remember that “The world is full of geniuses, who thinks they are idiot because they were not good enough in the things they were supposed to be.” There is no such thing as a perfect person, try to bring out that untapped potential of yours.

In some occasions, a change of setting isn’t needed but a change of outlook is. You might be on the right track of living your dream but you are just overwhelmed when a lot of things going on at the same time. Examine yourself, again, you are the only person who truly knows yourself and you’re the one who’s going to live the path you choose.


Choose what makes you happy, as long as you’re not stepping on others’ toes and it is not unlawful then go for it. Try to step out of your comfort zone. You might get hurt, you might feel lost but never give up and remember the lessons that you have gotten from it and use it to motivate yourself to be better. A lot would say it’s impractical but success isn't determined by how much you earn every month.

Be open to change and embrace that adjustments to build your character. Like what the title in Ron Jenson’s book says; “make a life, not just a living.”

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